0191 250 8899 info@threerivershealthandsafety.co.uk

Risk Assessments

What is a Risk Assessment?

We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require all organisations with 5 or more staff to carry out written health and safety risk assessments of all of their significant hazards. The Health & Safety Executive guidance “5 Steps to Risk Assessment” details a 5 step approach to workplace risk assessments: We will complete this on your behalf ensuring that your company is fully compliant.

A Risk Assessment is a detailed look at your processes to conduct a task looking at what may cause harm to all parties involved in the task. A Risk Assessment is a way of identifying hazards and risks that have potential to cause harm allowing you to evaluate and determine a way to reduce the hazard’s risk (It is not always possible to remove the risk, you must so far as reasonability practicable do so)

What is a Risk?

Risk is the chance or probability that a person will be harmed or experience an adverse health effect if exposed to a hazard.

What is a Hazard?

Hazard is anything with the potential to cause harm.

Please contact us to organise a free consultation to see how we can ensure a safe working environment for all parties.

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    What is in a Risk Assessment?

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    Adam is a pleasure to work with. Knows his stuff and is clear and concise with his requirements.

    Makes life so much easier when dealing with someone so knowledgable.

    Robert Watchorn
    The Fire Co

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